Home » 2014 » The Board of Directors salutes President Antonella Mansi

The Board of Directors salutes President Antonella Mansi

Mag 20, 2014 | 2014

The Board of Directors, taking note with deep regret of President Antonella Mansi’s firm desire not to propose her candidacy at the expiration of her current term, expresses its strong and heartfelt appreciation of the work done by the President and the Administrative Board in achieving the priority goal of securing the foundation’s financial solidity within the framework of a renewed relationship with Banca Mps.

Extremely important results have been reached, and today a new phase begins that, within the channel of a continuity of intent with regard to the actions taken by the managing board, will have to ensure a balanced and innovative development of the foundation’s activity.

Pursuant to articles 9 and 18 of the Foundation’s charter, the Board of Directors will implement immediately the operations under its jurisdiction for the appointment of the new Administrative Board and Board of Auditors, reiterating “continuity in discontinuity,” so that the foundation may continue to be a point of reference for the area.


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